
請輸入繳費資料 Payment Info.
學校類型 (Category):
學校名稱 (School Name):
銷帳編號 (Account No.):
1.下載繳費單 Download Payment Slip
2.填寫銷帳編號(14-16碼) Find account number (A/C No. , 14-16 digits)
應繳總金額 (Amount):
國外信用卡(Foreign Credit Card)
(若您不知道是國內信用卡還是國外信用卡,請按此 查詢。) If you are not sure about the type of credit card you are using, please click 按此

  1. 僅可繳交學雜費。( The payment is for tuition and fees only )
  2. 請於繳費單註明之期間完成繳費。( Please pay the total amount before the expiry date on the payment slip)
  3. 信用卡繳費服務蒐集、處理及利用之個人資料包含繳費單銷帳編號等,所蒐集資料將會後送財金資訊股份有限公司,由發卡銀行完成交易。若您拒絕提供資料,將無法使用本服務。(The personal information collected, processed and used by the credit card payment service includes the billing statement number, etc. The collected information will be sent to FISC, and the card-issuing bank will complete the transaction. If you refuse to provide information, you will not be able to use the service.)